Friday, December 16, 2005

One down...

and five more semesters to go! Hurray! I must say, it's a very feeble kind of hurray, but there it is. I don't think I felt this mentally and physically drained in a really long time, if ever. Somehow, I'm actually looking forward to next semester though. I get to start con law, and carry on with property, both of which really interest me.

Anyhow, I made it back to CA without too much trouble, the flight out ended up being delayed but I made my connection, barely, and here I am. Tired, somewhat beat up feeling, but here. It's sort of nice not having anything to do but rest and visit and relax, but I feel like I should be studying something still. This will pass I am sure, especially since I have an interview for a summer internship up in Marin next week. Eck. Hopefully I will be able to speak coherently by then.

Will post more later when I have something sensible to say and hopefully pictures to post...

Monday, December 12, 2005

Schedule for the Week

7:00 - get up, get dressed, get somewhat presentable
7:45 - make coffee and toast
8:00 - Work on torts
11:00 - Take a break and eat lunch, relax
12:30 - Drive to campus, try to avoid other students, try not to hurl
1:00 - Contracts exam
4:00 - Go home, try to recover sense of dignity and self
5:00 - Attempt to clean kitchen, eat something
6:00 - Back to torts
7:30 - Visit with S. and relax
10:00 - bed

7:30 - get up, shower
8:30 - make coffee and toast
9:00 - start on torts
12:00 - break time, have lunch
1:00 - back to torts
6:30 - Dinner, knit, relax
8:00 - review torts outline and notes
10:00 - bed

7:00 - get up, get dressed, get somewhat presentable
7:45 - make coffee and toast, relax
8:30 - drive to campus, try not to hurl
9:00 - Torts exam
12:00 - Go to bookstore to sell torts and civ pro books back
1:00 - Go home. Stare at ceiling and bond with cat
2:00 - Eat lunch
2:30 - Laundry, packing, house cleaning, and general recovery
6:30 - drinks with L in celebration of the end of exams
10:30 - Bed

Noon: get out of bed, shower, and finish packing
3:00 - drive to E's
3:30 - Leave E's for airport
5:20 - Plane leaves for CA

Saturday, December 10, 2005

Not dead yet/Happy 200

Or at least not quite...two exams down, two more to go. Half-way done is a nice thing, when I can remember to stick my head up above the mess of papers and notes and see how far I've really come anyway. Thinking about how far I have yet to go makes me want to cry.

This time next week I'll be back in California, finals will be over, and I will not have to do anything except sit around, relax, knit, and try to get back into some sort of exercise routine. If only I wasn't so utterly broke, it would be a nice break. Money sucks. Rather, the total lack of money sucks. I was less broke than this when I was unemployed. Of course, I also had people who would take me out and feed me and didn't have to worry about exams on top of it all, but still, the sad reality of it at this point is that I had to ask Daddy to bail me out for December rent, I have no idea how I am going to make January rent, never mind pay the power and phone bills, and I get the spend the whole break sponging off my boyfriend. I'm grateful that I have such a kind and supportive daddy and boyfriend, but I feel like shit having to be so reliant on them.

Anyway, enough of my school and financial woes...this is my 200th post. Huh. Not sure what to make of that exactly, but there it is. If I were a TV show I'd have gone into syndication 100 posts ago!

In between exams, outlines, and bread baking, I've actually been get a bit of therapeutic knitting done. I know, I need pictures, I should have time to get them uploaded and posted after exams are done. I made a pair of felted boot things for my dad for Christmas (here is the patters) and a moebius scarf thing for myself out of a skein of really beautiful manos yarn a friend gave me before I came out here. Moebius scarves are my new favorite knitting trick. Plus it's a great way to get something useful out of a single skein of yarn! I also finished a pair of fingerless mits I've had on needles for 100 years at least, one is knit looser than the other, but that's ok. I designed the pattern myself, and at least now I know it works. Being able to follow my own cryptic instructions is the first step I guess.

Anyhow, back to contracts. Hopefully I can get this outline done today so I can spend tomorrow on torts.

Sunday, December 04, 2005

The end is nigh

My first exam, ie phase one of the apocalypse, is Tuesday at 1 PM EST. Sweet lord save me now. At least it's a subject I sort of think I might understand, which for law school is saying a whole lot.

And it's going to snow. Soon. Within hours even, and will certainly snow tomorrow afternoon, which leaves me wondering if I will be able to drive to campus on Tuesday to take the exam, or if the world will have turned to one scary slick, frozen carnival of scary roads and ice. Probably not, but I'm from California, where cold is 52, and we have none of this ice stuff I've been trying to figure out.

Actually, winter is kind of cool. I like sweaters, I like hot drinks, and I get to have as much of these things as I want right now. Hurray! Probably I'll get sick of all this eventually but for now I'm really having a good time. I just would rather be decorating a Christmas tree and knitting warm cozy sweaters than reading about landlord tenant law and whatever the hell we've been doing in contracts for the last 3 months.

In other news, I found both my camera and the cable, so as soon as I can I promise there will be pictures of various knitting projects.

For now, I need to make some tea and get back to these holdover things.

Thursday, December 01, 2005

What a difference a day makes

I'm feel much better today for some reason. Last night, I baked bread, worked on my property outline, read torts, knit, squashed a huge spider, watched trashy TV shows, and had a wired dream in which someone stole my TV. For whatever reason, this all resulted in me waking up feeling much more focused and less terrified this morning. I was able to get some more torts reading done and put together the first 48 of my resumes and cover letters, 22 of which I was able to send out on my way to class. Hurray! I hope someone hires me. And pays me. It's the paying part that I'm most concerned with actually, working for free just isn't going to work.

Now I just need to pick my new knitting project. I'm sick of scarves. Getting back to the little lace bed jacket I started awhile back might be a good plan. Either that or getting some of the patterns I have designed into a presentable state so I can finally *gasp* publish them. What an idea.