Friday, June 30, 2006

It's official

I am now officially a Southerner. Scary. At least that means I get to pay less tuition next semester, so yay for that! Fewer loans is a good thing.

Of course, the flip side to this is that now I think I have some kind of legal obligation to consume mass amounts of pork. Dissected pork at that. I'm sorry, but eating meat I have to rehydrate before it is safe to ingest is just not going to work for me.

Anyway, things are going. I have to yet to draft my TNNA report, I've been fairly buried by my various jobs and exhaustion and a fair amount of self-doubt and emotional turmoil. Hopefully I'm starting to feel a little better. I've found a couple of professors at school who I feel comfortable talking to and who seem willing to offer career and life advice, one in particular who always makes me feel like I'm not hopeless and am doing the right thing. So that's something. The LYM is still lovely, though I don't get to see as much of him as I'd like right now. We've got to work on that, but between our work schedules and everything it's rough right now. I never thought I would say it but I'll have more free time, even with a job, once the school year starts so that should make things easier.

I'll write more later and hopefully post pictures of some knitting, now that I have new digital camera (thanks to my daddy and his employer).

Friday, June 16, 2006

So cranky! I am back from TNNA and will be writing up some kind of report soon. For now, I am totally overwhelmed by crap and am seriously stressed out. Working 2 jobs all summer is likely to kill me, but such is life. I had hoped things would get easier, or at least less stressful and demoralizing, this summer but that seems not to be. Oh well.

The research project I am currently working has a very tight deadline, and I do not have the necessary background knowledge to do it well, so I am kind of freaking out. Oh well. I am learning things, and it is interesting, I just wish that I had more time to deal with it. I wish I'd been able to work on it over the weekend, but that just didn't work out while at TNNA. They seem to be in a hurry to get my training going at CW too, so I've been trying to juggle that this week as well as this project, and I am tired and not doing a good job at either thing.

None of this is helped by the state of affairs on campus. The library is a mess (they are moving into a new, temporary building), so there is no where quiet to work. Nice. This morning I am stuck in the student lounge, where people are yapping and being annoying, because the office I should be in is locked. Nice.

Enough cranky bitching, I must get back this damned memo so I can get out of here for my CW training I am not prepared for this afternoon, and can then present the memo to the professor it's being prepared for.

And all I have to look forward to this weekend is more work, more stress, and kendo. Nice.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

No other life

Well, I got the CW job. I will soon be leading tourists around telling them ghost stories several times a week. Not in a costume. The no costume part still makes me sad, but I'm getting more excited about the job in general. It should be fun, and it will be a good break from the studying once classes start up again.

Still working away on the Rockstar Sweater and the never-ending angora/silk/merino blend on the wheel. I think I've finally found the logic and rhythm of the lace pattern in the sweater, it's starting to go faster, which is a good thing. I've got about 12 inches of the roving left hanging off the wheel, and it seems to not ever want to end. I'm getting sick of spinning this stuff, I want to ply and get on to the next thing, which will either be some CVM or an alpaca and bluefaced leicester blend from the stash.

What with not having classes and homework and my few school friends being gone for the summer, there hasn't been much to do. Not that there was ever much to do, but I seem to spending far more time alone, in my own head, than is strictly good for me. I'm lonely here, and I don't understand life here. I feel totally out of place and somehow separated from everything, and it's wearing on me. Maybe getting out of town for TNNA this weekend will help, I hope it does anyway.

Friday, June 02, 2006


Why oh why did I wake up at 3:30 AM? Why? The damned birds outside my window who wake me up every morning weren't even up. I hate those birds. They chirp all loud starting at about 5 in the morning, and wake me up. Not today though. 3:30 AM, still dark, and wide awake. Very sad.

The good news is that I think I got the job at CW. I have one more interview, with the potential boss's boss, which sounds like more of a formality than a real interview, so I think it's in the bag. Hurray! Knowing I'll have some income during the next year is a very nice thing.

Other that, nothing much to report. I'm dealing with kendo blisters, adjusting to the awful swamp weather, and looking forward to leaving work early so I can take myself to a much needed reward lunch and go home for a nap. The rest of my grades finally came in, and I am not exactly happy, but I suppose it could be worse. I'm not in great shape for the fall interview season though, and there's a huge amount riding on my grades next semester. This is a bad thing. I have never responded well to that kind of performance pressure. We'll see though, my professor for the summer seems to have some ideas for career goals that are attainable, even with my GPA being as lack-luster as it is, so there's some hope.