Thursday, October 13, 2005

Puffendorf and Barbeyrac, meet Harold

I'm working on property outlines today, and had forgotten how entertaining some of these legal philosopher guys names can be. A few of these cases read more like something from a Harry Potter book than anything else.

My wrist is killing me. Somehow, the blister is actually getting bigger, which makes no sense, and has got to the point where I really feel I need some way to refer to it. I've been calling it Harold. Harold is massive and more misshapen then he used to be, but mom claims he will settle down eventually and go away. I can only hope. He's making it hard to do things like type and pick up books, two critical features of my daily life right now.

In actual fiber news, I finally made my first trip over to my local yarn shop. Oh hurray! It was lovely! They have a great selection, a nice open space with good places to sit and look at books or work on your project, plenty of light, and a nice classroom space. They two women I talked to were really nice and welcoming and immediately offered me a job teaching classes at some point after I mentioned that I used to teach. Even better! Hopefully I'll be able to get on the class and workshop schedule in a month or two, it would be a nice bit of extra income and keep me in contact with people other than law students. I'm getting excited about starting this Christmas stocking now, it should be fun.

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