Thursday, December 07, 2006

One down!

I survived the first exam! Two tests left and one paper to wrap up and I'm officially half way done with law school. woot. 7 days from now, it'll be all over and I can enjoy my break.

I have till Monday to learn 1st Amendment law, and till Thursday to learn all about evidence and technically can turn this paper in next Friday but I really want to get it done and out of the way tomorrow if at all possible. I'm just sick of working on it. My prof wants to submit it for publication. Which is great, but really, I can tweak it around and do more clean up edit work over break for that. I just want it done for the class so I can not worry about it.

And now...I must rest. Aikido tonight was pretty intense. I did something awful to the big toe on my right foot last week, and we had a pretty serious workout, so I'm a little beat up and my toe is all swollen and hot. I don't think it's broken anyway, but it really hurt today. Stupid toe. My falls are getting better though, and even the bad ones don't really hurt, so that's good.

Just think....7 days and I can knit and sew and do whatever I want for weeks and weeks! Hurray! I can't wait to really get going on my dress for Dickens. And maybe finish the sweater I've been knitting for the whole semester. Yay for that!

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