Friday, July 06, 2007

The Fiber Diet

After some consideration and picking at the skeins, I think 4 more of the skeins I washed on the 4th are a loss. 16oz of potluck roving in a really interesting coral sort of color, probably gone. Sigh. That's nearly 2 pounds of fiber I spun and cannot use. I found that Paradise Fibers still has the shetland in the same color, and some similar silk and merino blends. Nothing quite like the potluck, but there were a couple of things on there that might be a good replacement, plus they have gotland at a really good price (that's the fiber they used for the Lord of Rings movies), and the LYM would probably love to have a Frodo scarf made out of that.

I speak of replacement fibers for one very good reason...all of these skeins were destined for Christmas gifts, except the shetland, and I'm supposed to be on a fiber diet for the year. After going through my (thankfully diminished) fiber stash last night, I don't have suitable replacements for the potluck or the silk and merino blend, and nothing I can approximate the shetland with. Yes, I have plenty of actual yarn, but again not in the right colors or weights for the people I had in mind. So what to do? Is this little washing machine disaster a good enough reason to break my no-fiber vow, at least to the extent that I would be replacing fibers, not actually buying new ones to add to the stash?

Thursday, July 05, 2007

Fiber disaster!

It's amazing really, I've been spinning for years and yesterday was the first major spinnig related disaster to strike. And given that I'm a huge klutz, this is kind of a miracle.

Anyway...I coulnd't sleep yesterday so I got up at 5 in the morning and decided to wind off all the yarn I had sitting on bobbins. 16 skeins of yarn, all spun up since the start of the year. Then I decided to wash the yarn to set the twist. I put everything in wash bugs, dropped in the landry machine to soak, and walk away, only to discover 10 minutes later that we have the only washing machine on the planet with a soak setting that....agitates.


In what reality does the soak setting agitate?! Really?

So now I have 16 skeins of felt. Well...actually...only 3 skeins are totally hopeless. Tragically, two of them are/were beautiful laceweight shetland I had planned to make a Faroese shawl out of. Four of skeins may be salvagae if I can pick the strands apaart. The rest of them had just enough alpaca or whatever else blended in that while they did felt, it's still useable yarn.

Suprisinly, I wasn't all that upset about the whole sad situation. Disappointed, yes, but remarkably calm all things considered.

My gardening didn't actually go a whole lot better. I got the stupid box hedges out, then we tackeld the awful 8 foot phalluc holly bush. The stump is still in the hole and the flower bed looks like a minuature mine fleid. You know, like gnomes had a trench war or something. Hopefully I can get the rootball hacked up enough that we can get the damn thing out of the hole. I have a bunch of realy lovely plants to put in, and I want to get to the fun part!

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Pantyhose rant

This is random but I hate, I mean HATE pantyhose. Especially the cheap-ass pathetic excuse for pantyhose sold at Target. Seriously. $6 and you can maybe get two wearings out of them before they shred. Not run. Shred. I know I'm not exactly Kate Moss but really, there's not that much friction going on that these things would shred the second or third time out.

If only I could really be a hippie lawyer like the LYM says I am and stop shaving my legs and wear Birks to work...and maybe also get in around 9:30 instead of 8...

Oh so lazy!

So I have been quiet for way too long. At least the last 4 weeks (ack) of that was not entirely my fault, stupid Cox locked out my web account right after I moved and won't unlock the user name so I had to move to blogspot. Which is probably easier anyway and has prompted me to change my template and all, but still, it's annoying. Having to remember which webrings I was in and find the code for them in a huge pain. At least I think I have that all saved on my machine at home.

Anyway, things are going pretty well. The LYM and I seen to have gotten pretty well adjusted to the cohabitation thing, the animals are mostly ok with each other, and the house is starting to look pretty well pulled together with all of our stuff in it.

I've even been knitting away on my UFO's! I've got about half a sleeve and a roll down collar left on the brown cabled sweater I started last summer and about 3 inches of cuff left on the first of my Liberty socks (Liberty because I got the yarn on sale at Liberty of London when I was there in 1997). In going through the pile of UFO's I did discover that the cat had chewed on a lace bed jacket I'd been working on. Unfortunately the chew holes were all over the place and too numerous to patch, so I scraped the 4 inches I had done. It was only 4 inches of knitting so I think there's enough yarn still to start over with the same project, especially since once I pulled the needles out I discovered the thing was WAAAY too big. We'll see, I might end up using a whole different pattern, there was a really cute kimono jacket in the spring KnitScnene I'd like to make and I think this yarn will work. It'll be a little lighter and more open that would be nice for a light spring/summer wrap.

I promise pictures will be forthcoming! I'm spending tomorrow knitting and gardening and grilling tri-tip (apparently a CA phenomenon that can only be found at Trader Joe's out here)and hopefully starting my first real bonsai project.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

News updates

The latest news is that I am currently moving in with the LYM and will be starting a *paid* internship at an actual law firm tomorrow morning. Hurray!

Trying to get the dog and cat to live together in something approaching peace has been no picnic. The cat is still hissing at the dog when he gets too close to her, and the dog is still eating the cat's food, which pisses the cat off to no end, but mostly I think I'm more stressed about the whole situation then they are at this point. Once the cat stops crying in the morning we should have some measure of peace in the house and all will be well.

Aside from moving and trying to keep the cat and dog in line, I've not been up to a whole lot since school got finished. There's been quite a bit of spinning, some knitting, and generally loafing around and relaxing, which I desperately needed. Between than and aikido, kendo and iaido I've been keeping myself pretty busy. All in all, things are looking up and going well, and I am remarkably calm all things considered.

Now I must get back to unpacking. I brought over all my bathroom stuff and I have no idea where to put it all. The master bath is tiny (like a postage stamp tiny, smallest bathroom I have ever seen in all my life. I think the potty closet in my old apartment in San Francisco was bigger than this whole stupid "master" bath), and there isn't much storage space in the other bathroom either so my collection of bath products looks even more absurd than it really is. I'll figure it out. Creative storage is always fun.

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

What can you do?

Well...I'm two hours away from my 3rd exam and for some reason all I really want to do is knit. Or at least play with yarn. I started a washcloth last night and I really just want to finish it. I'm using Crystal Palace chenille and the star shaped dishcloth pattern from Mason-Dixon Knitting (which you can get here). So far so good, I did have to frog back the first couple of inches when I realized my gauge was waaaaay off and I needed to use size 6 needles instead of 8. The smaller needles made the chenille much easier to deal with too, so it's going pretty fast now. It might also help that I went from using Addi's to bamboo. I'm the only person I know who slows down with Addi's. They hurt my hands for some reason. I'll stick with my nice bamboo, wood and Denise needles thanks.

Anyway, no luck so far on the job search. All career services had to suggest was calling around to public defenders and judges and offering to work for free. Which isn't really going to work, I have to pay rent and eat somehow. I've pretty accepted that I will be losing my apartment and putting most of my stuff in storage. Where I go from there is anyone's guess. I guess it depends on where/if I can find some sort of work, what it pays, and whether or not the LYM decides shacking up is a good plan or not. We both want to live together, we practically do anyway, but neither of us wants me to move in because I have no choice. Hopefully we can work something out, and I won't have to pack my cat up in the car and drive back to CA for the summer to crash with the 'rents.

Edited to add a link to this amazing site where you can get hand-blown glass drop spindles and some really amazing glass knitting needles. *lust*

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

A sick joke?

Nope, just my life. My first final is Thursday. This morning I found out my summer job plans have fallen through. Yesterday I found out my car needs about $800 worth of work to pass state inspection.

No job, no car (well, ok, the car will be back sooner or later but still), and impending brokeness. Great.

Why do these things always seem to happen around finals?

How am I supposed to find a job now, when everyone who wanted to hire pretty much did that two months ago, and I have exams to deal with? Please. Enough already!!

Now I shall return to my outlines in the hope that I can salvage my sad GPA and thereby my career...

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

I'm ok!

Just that time of year...

Aside from finals starting next week (the first is on Thursday, a week from today, arrggg!!), life is good. Stuff is going really insanely well with the LYM, I got promoted again in aikido, the weather is getting nice, and I got to re-landscape a whole flowerbed last weekend at the LYM's house. Digging up over a ton of rocks was way too much work (someone had put down landscaping rocks as a ground cover, then covered the rocks with a 3 inch layer of mulch. WTF?!), but it was good to get outside and do something other than read for part of the weekend. I needed that. And for some reason I find digging in the earth very relaxing and comforting. I love the feel of well-tilled (and relatively rock free) soil in my hands as I plant things.

I did manage to re-injure my thumb last week, which made the gardening slow and somewhat painful, and has slowed me down a lot. Stupid thumb. I'm back in a splint for the next two weeks at least, which is annoying to say the least. At least all I have to do is study, so that's something. It just gets hot with this thing stuck to my hand and wrist all day long.

I'll post more when I can, for now it's off to my internship and then class, then aikido. Crazy days.

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Finally, fiber!

My dad is in town to visit for a few days and brought me the best present ever! A shiny new Ashford skein winder! I was able to assemble the thing and wind off 4 bobbins full of yarn in the time it took to wind two bobbins with the niddy-noddy. This thing is a life saver for big projects, I had so many bobbins full of finished yarn after winter break, I was avoiding the task of winding them off so I could set the yarn. That much niddy-noddy action kills my arms.

He also brought me a McMoran yarn balance, which is a fun and geeky little spinning tool. It's a small plastic balance that allows you to estimate how many yards per pound you are getting. The yardage estimates seem to be pretty accurate too. For larger spinning projects this thing will be very useful. I think if you need a fairly small and precise amount of yarn for a project, counting yardage on the skein winder or niddy-noddy would be better, but for anything else this is the clear way to go.

Now if only my thumb was better and I had less reading to do, I could finish spinning the Shetland over spiring break. Oh well, there should be a few slow evenings for spinning before summer.

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Thumb update

I went back to stupid health "services" today, missing two classes in the process, but it was a good thing. The doctor was actually nice about things, looked the thumb, stuck me a huge splint, and sent me (predictably) to the hospital to rule out a break of the joint. Which would be a Very Bad Thing indeed, and require trips to an orthopedist. I got lucky though, it's not broken, just very badly bruised. I have to keep it splinted for 10 days, then "wean off the splint" for awhile and if anything gets worse and fails to get better I have to go back. So really it's all good, and should be fine, even if the process of finding this out was hideously annoying and inconvenient.

At least this week is not so busy as last week. Aikido is on spring break, so I don't have as much training, and since spring break is next week most things have kind of slowed down a little. Which is good, since I have an extra assignment all the sudden I have to get done and Daddy is coming in to town on Wednesday. I'm calm about it all though, after last week just about anything seems sane.

As for knitting, probably won't be doing any of that for awhile because of the thumb, but the scarf I knit for the LYM while I was sick got used for the first time this morning and he seemed very happy with it. Seeing him wearing it and having fun playing with it was rather wonderful. He was absurdly cute for one thing, and having the satisfaction of knowing that I was keeping someone I cared about warm and comfortable on a cold morning is always a nice thing.

Monday, March 05, 2007

Oooo like I need another reason... hate being a student. Add Student Heath "Services." Yesterday, being Sunday, I did something terrible(tm) to my thumb in kendo. It feels worse today and is swollen and tender and I cannot move the bottom joint at all, and there's a red patch which hurts really bad when I poke it.

So I went to the alleged Student Health "Services" office, and they said, well, sorry but we have no doctors you should go to urgent care and pay $100 for what we should be to do as part of the absurd amount of money you have already paid to have access to our stellar "care." To which I say, feh, and demand to see someone, anyone, who can tell me if this might be broken. Which someone turned out be a clueless nurse who told me nothing I didn't already know and put a splint on the WRONG KNUCKLE, and then informed me that I need to come back tomorrow to see the real doctor, who will send me to urgent care for x-rays I will have to pay for anyway. WTF? I have class all day tomorrow, and no money, and now you want me to run all over stupid town to get x-rays you really should be able to do on site? gah. What is the point of you people?!

So now I am in pain and frustrated to the point of tears and no closer to a functional thumb than I would be if I sat on it for an hour rather than wasting my time at Health "Services."

Don't even get me started on the brilliant people we have "helping" us over at the Financial Aid office.

Thursday, March 01, 2007


So I've been sick as a dog, again, still, who can tell anymore, but I'm finally starting to feel better. I'm over a week behind in reading, but what are you gonna do? Really, I'm weirdly calm about this. No sense in freaking out about the amount of work I have to catch up on, that will hardly help anything.

Anyway, stuff is going ok in spite of the Flu of Doom and reading backlog. The LYM took fabulously good care of me while I was sick, I'm cooking dinner for his family this weekend, I got promoted in aikido, and for the first time ever I realized I'm actually glad to be out here doing this whole law school thing. It's not been easy, but I wouldn't change anything if I had it all to do over again.

I just wish I could sleep for about a week. I was out of school sick all last week, and came back into one of the busiest weeks of the semester. On top of everything else, we have a compressed ethics course for the next two weeks, so I have an extra hour and a half class, plus all the reading, every day this week and next. All to learn really complex things like it's a bad plan to take your client's money to Thailand to buy under age prostitutes. Very useful stuff. At least spring break is only a week away, then I can sleep a little and get caught up on the reading.

Thursday, February 15, 2007


Ok I am a little cranky today. Yesterday was weird, maybe in a good way but I don't know. I'm not sure the LYM gets the whole V-Day concept really, but he was really very sweet and nice even though nothing particularly special happened. We'll see how the weekend goes I suppose.

Anyhow, I want to go home and spin and finish this Shetland I've been working on. But instead I have class all day, then aikido with the group I am less than enthused about, and I'll be lucky if I get home before 9. This semester is just brutal, but at least it's almost spring break. And I should have a reasonably relaxing weekend, even though I have iaido and kendo on Sunday.

The brown sweater of doom is getting there, the first sleeve is done and I have at least started the second one. Maybe I'll get it done over break, I can only hope.

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Trial, feh

Just a quick note about the trial...

We did really well, made good arguments, the prosecution offered no real evidence. Our instructor said we did great, the other sides instructor said it was ok they lost since we didn't call the defendant and they had no evidence anyway.

The judge came out.

The judge ruled for the prosecution.

He did this because it's Legal Skills, and he thought we had to appeal to case. My instructor and I talked to him afterwards and he said in real life, it would have been tossed out on the motion to strike if not sooner. Yet we lost because it's skills, a class meant to teach up how things work in the real world. Feh.

I hate legal skills. It's the single most useless program at school. If it's supposed to work like the real world, the judges should rule like it's real world and not make mistakes on purpose so we can have an appeal (an appeal, I might ad, no one in our group needs to make for the purposes of the class).

It was very demoralizing and I felt really bad after, but god bless the LYM, he managed to make a fairly convincing argument that we won in every way that really mattered so that's something. And thank god legal skills is nothing like real life. I'm just so tired of everything about law school being set up so that you fail. No achievement seems to come without some absurd reminder of how inept you really are. We did good, we won, just let us have it already.

Anyway, I'm cranky now and have pretty well decided that I'm going to relax as much as I can this weekend. So while I wait for the LYM to get up (he's been sick, he needs to sleep) I shall knit and watch Heros instead of read Admin Law or something else. Maybe I will even finish this sleeve, that would be nice. I'm getting tired of looking at it.

Friday, February 09, 2007


So today I have to argue a case in court for the first time ever. Not real court mind you, they won't let me at real clients like that quite yet, but Legal Skills court. Legal Skills is our practicum course at school, it's really pretty silly in many ways, not least of which is that it's a pass/fail class that takes up a huge percentage of your time, but there it is. Anyway, the point is, this afternoon I have my trial and I am really nervous.

Really really super nervous.

It should be ok. We are the defense in a criminal case, and there is no real evidence of any useful of conclusive kind, so all we have to do is not f* it up too badly and we should be ok, but holy crap I am still nervous. My head hurts and I don't wanna go. I have to go cross examination and closing arguments, both of which I seem to be better at than direct and opening, I think because you have to think on the fly and respond to what the other side has done more, but that's not saying a whole lot really. I know in my head this is all good practice and it will be good to have my "first" court appearance over with before I get out into practice, but the whole skills program is so contrived and so poorly executed that I don't think it really has the desired effect. Seriously, they give us dreadful cases and no evidence to work with and it's all quite absurd and in real life the cases would never get to court. But we have to argue it anyway. blegh.

It's a stressful start to a rather long weekend. Today is my trial, then I am off to the LYM's. Tomorrow we are going to my neighbors 30th birthday party, then Sunday there's an all day self-defense clinic. Somewhere in there I have to read for next week. Gah. Good luck with that. I am sorely tempted to just say to hell with it and really take the weekend off, but I sort of feel like I've been slacking as it is. Of course, I am a little behind, but only in one class, and once this trial is over my schedule will go back to something passably normal, so probably I am due a little bit of a break. We'll see I guess. Right now I just want to crawl under a rock and hide until this is over.

Hmm. Just realized, tonight will be the first time the LYM has seen me in full lawyer-drag. It's been nearly a year that we've been doing whatever it is we're doing and in all that time he's never seen me in a suit. Funny.

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Yay me!

So it's 19 degrees outside, and the school has the A/C on in the lecture rooms. WTF?! The run the heat all summer and the A/C all winter? Sick bastards.

Aside from freezing, things are going ok. I got offered a job for the summer with the firm I'm interning with, things with the LYM are lovely and moving in a positive direction, and my overall outlook has improved quite a bit. Ok, yes, I did get my class rank, and it was not good, but I didn't have a minor break down about it and it's really not bothering me in the least. It helps that I got offered the job before I read the rank email, but still, I'm pretty proud of myself for not bursting into tears or something.

Anyhow, things are insanely busy but classes are going ok, they are mostly interesting, my stupid mock trial thing will be over Friday, and while financial aid is being slow as hell about getting me money to live on for the rest of the semester (seriously people, when I say I have no food money, does that sound to you like going even slower with things is a good response?) I'm ok. Stressed, yes. Hysterical, not so much. And this is good.

I have sadly little knitting or spinning progress to report. I have so much reading to do that I don't seem to have much time to knit at all. Hopefully that will change some after my trial is done, maybe spring break. I really want to finish the brown sweater I've been working on forever so I can do some baby gift for a classmate who is having a little boy over the summer. I think I know what I want to knit for him, I just need to get something off the needles before I will let myself start something new. Tonight the LYM and I are going to go have dinner to celebrate my job offer, maybe I can knit some this afternoon. We'll see. The weekend is going to be insane so it might be better to try to get ahead on the reading.

Monday, January 29, 2007


Sooooooo busy. Seriously, all four of my lecture classes seem to average between 20 and 50 pages a class. It looks like most weeks I'll be reading somewhere in the 330-400 page range. Not to mention the work I'm doing for my externship, legal skills, or aikido and kendo stuff. It's nutty but it's interesting stuff (except for administrative law, which still makes me want to eat my own head).

I'm really loving my externship. It's time consuming, but so totally worth it. Right now, I'm working on personal injury cases, a criminal case, and some trademark stuff. And it's all really interesting, plus I get to see how all the crap I've been learning actually works out in the real world, which makes it so very much easier to care about classes. I might actually get to *use* this stuff! And it might actually made a difference in someones life! Who knew?

I've been getting a tiny amount of knitting done. One sleeve of the Sweater That Will Not End is almost done. Once that's done, I have one more sleeves, the turtleneck collar, and finish work to do. The end is in sight! The other active project I have is the Liberty Sale Socks, made from yarn I got in 1997 when I was in London. I'm most of the way done with the first foot. Really, I could finish those in a day if only I had day to sit and do it. I don't mind so much though, they are for me so there's no pressure. It's hard to resist planning the next project though, especially with so many UFO's and WIP's laying all over the place.

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Spring semeter, the first week

I have survived the first week of the semester. Seeing as I lived through The Cold of Doom, a disastrous hakama related accident leaving me unable to move my right arm for nearly 2 days, and getting my grades (I don't want to talk about it), I think I'm doing ok. Still achy and a little stuffy, and my confidence has taking a pretty nasty beating, but really I'm ok with it.

So, here's the report so far:
1. Administrative law. The most boring. class. ever. Just looking at the book makes me to poke my eye out with a highlighter. Seriously. I may eat my own arm. And we're graded on class participation. Crap. Isn't staying awake enough? Now I have to contribute? gah.
2. Trademark Law. Yay! This is fun! I love the prof, but I think my unfortunate lack of knowledge relating to popular culture might be an issue here. The LYM teases me that I'm Dr. Brennan (from Bones). He's not wrong. This should be fun.
3. Intellectual Property. I had forgotten how much fun this prof was! Good class, interesting subject, should be lots of fun.
4. Employment Discrimination. For a class I singed up for at the last second and took only because it was the only open class that fit into my schedule, this turned out great. The subject is far more interesting than I thought it would be and the prof is interesting and engaging.
5. Legal Skills and Ethics. I have a trial and an ethics exam this semester. Like pulling teeth this one is, but oh well. Not much to be done.
6. Externship. Yay me I got one! This is my last best hope for ever scoring a job. But I think it'll work out well. I start really working on Monday, but so far I like everyone at the office. If nothing else, I will find out if actually practicing law is something I can deal with.

Really, any semester that starts out with 2 class discussions involving Elvis as a focal point can't be all bad. I'm starting to get in to classes where I can actually see how I might use what I am learning, and that feels pretty good. Hopefully my job search will go well too, my grades are going to be a problem but thanks to the LYM and his mother, I'm starting to get somewhere with the whole networking approach to job searching, so I have hope. I still seem to in a place where every accomplishment comes with a blow, but the blows are getting to be less or maybe I am just dealing with them better. Either way, I'll take it.

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Still alive

...barely. I have contracted whatever the most recent plague happens to be, which I find interesting seeing as I have not seen a living person since Wednesday, and then it was only because I had aikido. Seriously. You would think my hermit-like lifestyle would nicely preclude getting contagious diseases but there it is.

It's been a rather not so good last week or so, but I have some hope that things may be on a bit of an up-swing. Maybe. Who knows. Class starts on Tuesday, so as least I won't be so bored.

I've got very little knitting and fiber progress to report. I got some work done on my crazy quilt, and have the thing planned out now so at least I know how many squares I need to make (30). That helps. I've got more than half of them done, after that I can sew them together and make the border (a 9 inch band of crazy style piecing) and then finish it off. I have no idea how I am going to mange the actual quilting, the thing won't fit under the arm of my sewing machine. At the moment, I may just tie it. Not my favorite method of finishing but better than hand-quilting the whole thing. I could also do it in sections, piecing it together as I go, but we shall see.

Now I must take cold pills and go to kendo. Which might be scary, but at least it will get me out of the house and around other people for a little while.

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Stupid cat

I think my cat has a death wish today. She woke me up at 6:30 this morning and would. not. stop. meowing. until I manged to drag myself out of a bed to take a shower around 8. (I know, some of you have to get up much earlier than that, but this is my winter break after all) She then decided to station herself on the bathroom rug so I would trip over her when I got out of the shower, and has been putting herself right in the middle of wherever I need to walk all morning. Stupid cat. Between that and the leg clawing (I have some really nice little holes in my thigh from that, thank you very much), it really is amazing I haven't locked her out of the house yet. But, as the LYM reminds me, I am a submissive masochist, so it all makes perfect sense I guess.

Aside from cat related domestic strife, things have been fairly calm the last few days. New Years day was the best day I've had in recent memory, Tuesday was mellow and yesterday I spent most of the day in fiber-y pursuits, spinning, weaving, knitting and scouring a babydoll southdown fleece with a rather sad story behind it.

I'd always thought that if I were to get married, I would make my husband-to-be a sweater from a fleece I had processed and spun totally on my own. Last September, I bought the fleece. Things didn't work out, in a rather grand fashion, but there is still the fleece. For a long time, I sort of forgot about it, mostly out of self-preservation than any distaste for the fleece. It's a lovely fleece actually, very soft and springy, there's some discoloration but it should dye nicely once I've spun it and decided on a color. Since Thanksgiving, I've had the guy in question on my mind a lot for some reason, but he made it clear he has no desire to see me or talk to me anymore, even as friends, which hurt a lot more than I was expecting it to. It's probably all for the good, but there was still this fleece, sitting there, the last reminder of hopes and dreams now finally and totally destroyed.

So I washed it. And it was ok. I wasn't sad, it didn't hurt, and I didn't think about him and what the fleece was meant for except in a very cursory sort of way. He may be gone, but the fleece is still full possibility, ready to become whatever I chose to make from it. He broke my heart, but there is still life, and as battered and bruised as he left me, I can still make whatever I wish of it. There might be a bit more dirt and VM to get out, but the raw material is full of endless possibility.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007


1. I shall buy no new fiber. No yarn, no spinning fiber, and only such fabric as I need to finish project I already the main fabric for. Bess says it can be done, so I shall try. It should help my pocket book too, being in school and tyring to buy yarn is a bad plan.
2. I will get to my goal weight this year, damn it all. I'm sick of being on WW. I am sick of losing the same 10 pounds over and over. This will stop. Today.
3. I will stop fighting against things I cannot change. Aikido is all about flow and blending, if I cannot flow with my own life, how can I expect to do it well on the mat?
4. I will find an OES chapter locally and start going to meetings again.
5. I will carry on my good work with martial arts.

I think 3 is going to be the hardest. 2006, and really 2005, was all about fighting against the immovable. I'm tired of fighting. If I don't do something about this, I will exhaust myself. I've come so close to giving up all together in the last year, I don't think I can survive that again. I simply have to accept that there are some things I cannot control, and let them be what they will. Reading the Tao helps with that, so that will be my guide.

Edited to add:
The socks were a great success. He liked them! yay! And I know I hate sock knitting, but have 125 grams of koigu left over from something, anyone know if that's enough for a pair of socks? I would think it would be, but I have no idea how long to make the cuffs. I want to do a heal-flap so these will end up being top-down instead of toe-up like I usually try to do.

Monday, January 01, 2007

New year, new things

I did two totally new things in the last day. First, I saw the ball drop in Times Square live, instead of on a 3 hour tape delay. Which was interesting, same thing really but the realization that it was live was kind of...well...interesting? Can you tell I'm a little sleep? The other thing I did was watch the sun *rise* over the ocean. I've never seen that, it was pretty amazing. Trying to do kendo while watching the sun rise and on maybe 4 hours of not so great sleep was also interesting, but I'm glad I did it.

I just can't believe I'm this tired...makes no sense really not having done jack shit for the last 3 days other than sleep, spin, and bake bread, alone and hermit like in my house. Really, hermit like is fine, but only if you are living that way by choice. When that's all you get, it really sucks. At least I'm not stuck in the house alone today, not the best way to start the year, pacing around your house like a rat stuck in a cage...

ARGG! I had nice thing to say about my current spinning and stupid blogger ate it. Grr. Ok, to sum up...I've been spinning a whole lot the last couple days, I've done nearly 2 pounds of fiber. Yay! Most all of it is things I have 4 or 8 ounces of, so it's been fun to experiment. Right now I'm working on about 13 ounces of chocolate llama and merino pencil roving, which I love working with. It's got some neps, which I don't love, that should add some nice textural interest to the finished yarn. I think it may end up being a hat, mitten and scarf set when I am done, but who knows. It all depends on the yardage I end up. Next up it 8 ounces of morrit colored Shetland wool I want to make a faroese shawl out of. We'll see how that turns out, I'm doing ok with super fine spinning at the moment, it just seems to depends on how well the fiber has been prepared to begin with. After that, since I should have another 2 weeks of break left at the rate I'm going, I'm going to start drum carding one of the several fleeces I have stashed away. There's a story with one of them...but that will have to wait until I actually start on the carding.