Wednesday, May 09, 2007

What can you do?

Well...I'm two hours away from my 3rd exam and for some reason all I really want to do is knit. Or at least play with yarn. I started a washcloth last night and I really just want to finish it. I'm using Crystal Palace chenille and the star shaped dishcloth pattern from Mason-Dixon Knitting (which you can get here). So far so good, I did have to frog back the first couple of inches when I realized my gauge was waaaaay off and I needed to use size 6 needles instead of 8. The smaller needles made the chenille much easier to deal with too, so it's going pretty fast now. It might also help that I went from using Addi's to bamboo. I'm the only person I know who slows down with Addi's. They hurt my hands for some reason. I'll stick with my nice bamboo, wood and Denise needles thanks.

Anyway, no luck so far on the job search. All career services had to suggest was calling around to public defenders and judges and offering to work for free. Which isn't really going to work, I have to pay rent and eat somehow. I've pretty accepted that I will be losing my apartment and putting most of my stuff in storage. Where I go from there is anyone's guess. I guess it depends on where/if I can find some sort of work, what it pays, and whether or not the LYM decides shacking up is a good plan or not. We both want to live together, we practically do anyway, but neither of us wants me to move in because I have no choice. Hopefully we can work something out, and I won't have to pack my cat up in the car and drive back to CA for the summer to crash with the 'rents.

Edited to add a link to this amazing site where you can get hand-blown glass drop spindles and some really amazing glass knitting needles. *lust*

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