Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Panic and the Never-ending Socks

Panic attacks suck.  There are certain things I really need to get done that send me over the edge every time I even think about them.  Remembering what I need to accomplish in a given day is hard enough as it is without those tasks sending me running for cover under the nearest quilt.  So I get behind, and that makes the whole situation worse, adding one more thing to the list of things I can't stand to think about.

Thank God for Xanax.

I have been getting some knitting done, and finally finished a pair of lace tabi socks that I started in 2008.  Only 4 years to knit a pair of socks!  That's actually pretty good for me, socks are not my favorite thing to knit and I will do just about anything to avoid knitting the second sock.  Sadly, most people like wearing socks that match (I do to if I am being perfectly honest about it), so my one-sock knitting thing isn't very useful.  At least I got this set done.  The second sock is a tad looser than the first, but I think it will be ok once I wash them.  I'm quite happy with how they came out and am looking forward to wearing them with my flip-flops on my way to aikido.

Since I managed to finish this pair of socks, I started another in a fit of irrational sock-optimism.  I had gotten the yarn for this pair in 2005, possibly earlier, and I meant to knit them for my then-SIL.  That relationship broke down, so the project languished.  I've got one done and just finished the patterned cuff for the second, so I have some hope that I might actually get them done before the moths get to the first sock.  The color (pink!) is fun and the cuff bit was interesting to knit and very cute, which seems to be keeping my interest.

Next up will be sweaters for the fall and winter!  Sales and sewing orders are starting to pick up, which means I will have less time for knitting but if I start now I should finish one or maybe two before the holidays.  So far this year I have no major holiday knitting planned, which is sort of nice.  There are a couple of sewing projects, which I really need to start now.  If business it like it was last holiday season I won't have much time to work on anything for myself after the end of October.  Here's hoping!

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