Saturday, May 21, 2005

Now what?

I am frail and small and people should be more careful with me, there won't be anything left if I keep getting broken.

Turns out he was avoiding me...

It's sad really, but so typical of how these things work out for me. The ones I like, maybe even love a little, they don't want me. And I never understand why...

To make it worse, I went back to WW today. I was prepared for things to be slightly worse than they were but it was still depressing to see how far I had slid back. Oh well. I guess now I'll have a little more time to focus on that and get things back where they should be.

It was nice to not be all alone, even if it was just for a little while...


Bess said...

You are singing my song about WW. and have my deep sympathy. At least here you are not alone. I'm on the downward path again now, but I haven't been at goal since I made lifetime more than a year ago.


It's a lifetime thing for sure.

Anonymous said...


You are NOT alone.

Nor are you the only single person around. You're still cool. Buck up!