Monday, August 29, 2005

Oh you must be joking...

My principal difficulty with this whole law school thing isn't so much the amount of reading, or the size and weight of the pile of books, or even the insane spatula sized bugs who are attempting to establish a property interest in my house by hostile occupancy of my porch. It's not even missing Someone. Nope. It's the cheesy 22 year old bubble headed dingbats who sit in Civ Pro class, I shit you not, shopping for shoes online. What the hell is that about? Then they giggle and flip their hair and talk about the next trip to the bar and the frat party and how they haven't done any reading for torts yet and ask me what the Federal District courts do. Isn't that funny?

Ugh. I hate irresponsible people. Especially when they drive off campus in Z3's and go shopping every weekend and I'm stuck at home doing homework (god forbid) and wondering how I'm going to make rent since I had to buy this stupid new computer.

I'm grumpy. What can I say? I always get kind of grumpy around my birthday actually, it just seems to piss me off. Not really helped by the disastrous party planning that has historically come along with it. Or the sad fact that I have my stupid skills class on my birthday until 8:15 at night. grr. Oh well. It's not like I have anyone here to do something special with, or enough of a social life to warrant an attempt at an actual party.

Oh! And my blog is getting comment spam. WTF?! I've been deleting comment spam right and left all week. Really annoying.

Enough pissing though. I actually did really well with the homework this weekend so I can conceivably not study tonight. Amazing. I could do more torts reading if I wanted to, but I'm caught up and probably have done just about all I need to do for the rest of the week. Contracts and Property can wait till tomorrow, and Civ Pro is quick and can wait as well. Of course, Wednesday gets kind of busy so I might as well get further ahead. We'll see. Once I work out what I want for dinner I will decide how much homework to do tonight. What a life.

Maybe I'll just read one more torts case and then knit something. That might help with my general state of mind.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Don't worry about the ditzy girls. Their grades will show it.