Friday, December 10, 2004

Twarted once again!

My attempt to get a potted live type Christmas tree has been thwarted. I officially give up. Everyplace that has them either closes at 6:30 or only has the little tony 10 inch tall ones. The whole idea here was to get a respectable sized tree for the house that Dad could plant in the backyard after the holiday. Sort of a dual-purpose Christmas present. But because I didn't go last week when I was off work I don't have any hope of getting to a decent hardware store or nursery until some weekend after Christmas. It's a pain in the butt.

Anyhow, tonight I'll just get a little tree at Safeway when I get my groceries. Hopefully I can find a nice tree for Dad on line someplace or at a nursery near where he lives. Most of the on line places I have found either don't ship to California or won't ship the tree until sometime between February 14th and June 10th (nice and specific date range, that). Hopefully the nursery people in his area would know what sort of evergreen or pine will do well, the last one either got eaten by gophers or just didn't like the environment there. Who knows.

So my mission for this evening is to get food for the weekend (why, oh why have I turned into an insane Martha Stewart style hostess person?!), find a tree, bring up the Christmas decorations, finish cleaning the living room and sewing room, vacuum, wash my sheets, and clean the bathroom. How glamorous. Oh, and I have to pack up everything I'm going to need for Dickens this weekend into a compact bus-sized package. Thrilling. I'm supposed to be going to a housewarming party but that's just not going to happen at this rate. *sigh* There will be time for fun tomorrow.

I would also like to point out that Christmas time is the worst time ever to be a contractor. No parties, no bonus, and everyone else is running around talking about how the wad of cash they just got or how wonderful the party was or whatever, and I'm stuck here working and eating potatoes. Not that I'm bitter or anything...

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